Frequently Asked Questions !!
What work does Patient Rights Watch Ghana do?
We detect what’s happening on the ground
We amplify victims’ voices
We bring violations of patient rights to the attention of the public and policy makers
We make use of existing laws and procedures to address patient rights violations
What's involved in patients rights advocacy?
Acting as a watchdog of government by exercising vigilance in identifying actual and potential violations of the right to health and documenting and exposing them.
Monitoring implementation of government obligations arising from international covenants as well as municipal laws in respect of the right to health.
Co-operating with the government in using human rights standards as criteria for the design and implementation of health related policies and programmes.
Making full use of existing laws and procedures to address violations of patient rights.
What's involved in carrying out education?
Sensitization of the various stakeholders and professional groups within the health service i.e. doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab scientists, health administrators and the various allied health professionals regarding the medico-legal matters bordering on their interaction with patients.
Awareness creation about patient rights through active media engagement. Knowledge and awareness about patient rights are crucial empowerment tools to enabling ordinary persons to exercise their rights and demand same to be enforced and protected.
How will patients rights be enforced?
By making full use of the existing laws of Ghana on the right to health as well as international covenants on the same of which Ghana is a signatory. Enforcement may take the form of a court action, petition to the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) or complaint to the disciplinary committee of the regulatory bodies i.e. Medical and Dental Council, the Pharmacy Council, Nurses and Midwives Council, Allied Health Professions Council etc.